What do you get from two ladies wth propensities for winding up on bad dates and in other uncomfortable situations? An app that allows you to gracefully navigate out of them. “Save My Ass” is the perfect app for when you find yourself in dire need of savoir faire. It comes with a library of prewritten texts that allow you to wiggle out of a tough situation. In addition, it contains a special “alibi” feature that allows you to corroborate (rightly or wrongly) less than truthful communications.
SITUATION: After the completion of the app the creators wanted a companion website to help market it. It would contain videos of humorous scenarios of people using the app alongside basic feature info. As part of the app's content strategy, it was decided that a blog would be the best way for users to share their experiences. The blog would later be mined for content to be used for future text packages.
CHALLENGE: There was no budget to build a customized blog but more importantly, to do the the front and back-end coding for the site. Compounding this was the lack of image assets to the tell the app's story. The assets which would need to be concepted, scouted, sets assembled, and then photographed within a short window to meet the launch date.
RESULT: I located a company that offered affordable SasS blogs which contained all the features needed and could easily be integrated into the site. The coding issues were resolved by the quick learning of the Adobe Muse software which allows UX/UI designers like myself with little coding ability to make feature rich sites. The money for the images were pulled from a PR budget and four hero images were shot gorilla style over two days in Los Angeles. Two of the photos were on location but unpermitted, and had the authorities become aware of the shoot they would have torn down the sets. But with good planning in preproduction and a fast-working photographer we were able to quickly get the shots I wanted. To see the SMA app click here.
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